Scapula Pull-up
Improve shoulder mobility and helps keep the shoulder and shoulder blades strong and healthy.
Sådan gør du
Grab a pull-up bar with an even shoulder-width overhand grip. Engage your abs and bend your knees to start hanging from the pull-up bar.
As you hang from the bar, keep your abs and glutes engaged to remain still and not swing back and forth.
Take a breath and initiate the scapular pull-up by bringing your shoulders back and down. Keep your arms straight. Doing so will elevate your body slightly. You can think of a mental cue such as bending the pull-up bar with your hands, allowing you to engage your back better and produce more force.
Hold the retracted position for a second or two, making sure to feel your back muscles working.
Relax your body and allow your shoulders to move forward and up. Exhale.